Estimate your monthly auto loan payment.
You’re ready for a new set of wheels, but is your budget? Explore how different vehicle prices, down payment sizes, loan terms and interest rates could change your monthly loan payment. You can also test out more advanced options like your current vehicle’s trade in value and sales tax rate. Make an informed decision before you start shopping for a car, truck or motorcycle.

Find a Local Auto Dealership
We partner with hundreds of local dealerships across Southeastern Wisconsin to make getting a new loan easy. Find one nearby. Leave the lot with a Landmark loan and your new vehicle.
How Do Auto Loans Work?
Maybe it's your first time purchasing a car, truck or motorcycle. Or perhaps it's finally time to upgrade your current set of wheels. Learn more about how auto loans work and get some helpful tips before you go car shopping. Read our Q&A with a Landmark lending expert.
New vs. Used Cars
Debating if you should buy a new or used car? Compare the differences in cost, reliability, technology and rates.