How To Lower Energy Bill

Posted: January 27, 2022

A sleeping small dog is enjoying some time with their owner in the comfort of home.

Is your energy bill rising as the temperature falls? If you find yourself holding your breath before you open your monthly bill, use these tips to save some energy and cash.

Program Your Thermostat

Set your thermostat to a lower temperature when you’re sleeping and when you’re out of the house at work or school. You can even get a smart thermostat that connects to Wi-Fi, which will come in handy if you forget to turn down the temp during a weekend getaway.

Get a Furnace Tune-up

Have a professional inspect your furnace annually to help it run efficiently and protect its overall lifespan. According to, experts say that up to three-quarters of no-heat calls in winter are due to maintenance neglect.

Change Your Furnace Filter

You should change your furnace filter at least every 90 days, but you might need to change it more frequently depending on the type of filter you have or if it gets dirty earlier. A fresh filter will help your HVAC system run more efficiently and use less energy.

Use Your Curtains

Open your curtains during the day to let the sun help warm your house. Close your curtains at night to limit heat loss. Consider insulated curtains to increase the energy efficiency even more.

Replace or Wrap Your Windows

Do you have drafty, old windows? Consider replacing them with energy efficient ones. Swapping single-pane windows with double or triple-pane windows will increase insulation. Although, even if replacing your windows isn’t feasible right now, you can still add some insulation by putting clear, plastic cling wrap around them.

Seal Air Leaks

Use caulk and weatherstripping around windows and doors to help keep the warm air in and the cold air out. Check for holes in your attic and basement as well. Use foam or caulk for small holes and add or replace insulation in bigger gaps.

Switch to LED Bulbs

Because it gets dark so early in the winter, you’re probably leaving your lights on longer. Swap your incandescent bulbs with LED ones which use 80% less energy.

Use Budget Billing

Is your bill lopsided in the winter due to heating costs? If the winter energy bills are painful and a more predictable bill would make it easier for you to plan and budget, check if your energy provider offers a budget billing plan. We Energies will estimate your yearly costs based on historical information and divide it into 12 equal parts. That way you have a consistent, manageable bill throughout the year.

These tips can help you trim your bill, but if you decide you need some more significant overhauls to make your home more energy efficient, we can help with an affordable and flexible Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC).