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October 5, 2023
How to Avoid Money Scams
You work hard for your money, so you take the necessary precautions to protect it. Whether it’s practicing good cybersecurity habits, keeping important documents safe or checking your account and card balances once a week, you do a lot to ensure your finances and personal information are where you need them to be. However, there are criminals who will come up with ways to try to scam you out of your money and Personally Identifiable Information (PII). Here are some common money scams and how to avoid them. -
October 5, 2023
Protect Against Financial Scams
You might think you’d never fall for a financial scam, but as the Chief Experience Officer at Landmark, I’ve seen how sophisticated and clever modern scammers can be and how rampant these scams have become. All of us at Landmark want to make sure you keep an eye out for these common scams and know how to protect yourself and your finances. -
October 5, 2023
Five Budget Tips for Single Parents
Being a single parent isn’t easy and neither is managing the household budget solo. If you’re struggling to balance competing priorities like wanting to give your kids the best opportunities while paying down debt and saving for the future, we have some tips that can help. -
October 5, 2023
How To Expect The Expect-The-Unexpected
You diligently track your budget and you try to grow your savings, but somehow you keep getting thrown off course. Maybe this month you got a bill from your doctor’s office that was much higher than you anticipated. And last month you had to replace your broken water heater which made a significant dent in your wallet. Here are some ways you can prevent those unexpected expenses from derailing your financial goals. -
June 29, 2023
3 Reasons to Use eDocuments
You’re used to setting up appointments, paying bills and shopping online. So, why not get your financial documents online too? It’s not just convenient—you might be surprised how much more secure it is than using paper documents. Switching to eDocuments is a great way to give you more control over your time and enjoy easy access to your statements, tax forms and notices. Not sold on switching over? Here are a few reasons to make the change. -
June 7, 2023
Check Your Credit Score With Credit Hub!
We’re excited to offer you a free credit score and monitoring tool to help you stay on top of your credit and learn how to improve it. Credit Hub, powered by SavvyMoney, is available within Digital Banking and our Mobile App (Google Play and App Store). -
May 31, 2023
Mortgage Documents Checklist
Preparing to make that big leap into buying a new home? This can be a scary step but with the help of a proper checklist you can approach meeting with any real estate agent or mortgage lender with confidence. Utilize Landmarks comprehensive checklist to help you today! -
May 2, 2023
Save Smarter With Certificates
Saving up for something special like a wedding, vacation or retirement? There are ways you can grow your nest egg faster than a traditional savings account. Consider adding a certificate to your savings mix. Certificates are savings accounts that have fixed dividend rates that are significantly higher than traditional savings accounts. Plus, there is no risk! Our deposit accounts are insured by the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA), making a certificate a safe place to grow your savings. -
May 2, 2023
Top Mortgage Myths Debunked
It can be exciting to think about buying your first home, and we understand that you might have some questions too! We’re here to make the home loan process simple and affordable. Let’s bust some of the most common mortgage myths.